Abstract Submission

Potential participants should submit one or more abstracts related to the theme of the Congress for consideration by the Congress Scientific Committee.

Abstracts should be sent to the following email: cicje@ipleiria.pt

The abstracts must contain

Title of the communication

Name and surname of the author (s)

Affiliation and email address

Communication summary: minimum 1 and maximum 2 pages;

(Times new roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5)

The proposal must be accompanied by a brief curriculum vitae

(maximum 150 words)

The accepted languages are Portuguese, Spanish and English

The abstracts will be published in the Congress Proceedings. The full texts may be published in the Congress Proceedings or in a Special Section of the Portucalense Law Journal. The texts that will be published in the Portucalense Law Journal (Special Section dedicated to CICJE in the June/July 2025 publication) are those that, following the Congress, and until February 2025, are submitted by their authors to the mentioned journal and receive approval after blind review.

Deadline for sending
the abstract


Deadline for speakers’



Deadline for registration
of admitted speakers



Deadline for sending
the full texts
